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More Innovation.  More Oil and Gas.

Our unique processes and innovative solutions address the key challenges faced in producing hydrocarbons from existing reservoirs:

  • Increasing Production Rates
  • Offsetting Production Rate Declines
  • Recovering More Oil
  • Enhancing Injection and Disposal Rates

At Enova we carefully listen to your specific challenges and then develop cost-effective solutions tailored to the unique needs of each well or reservoir.

The power of our solutions is based upon Enova’s proprietary processes and technologies.  Our unconventional approach produces a superior ROI with minimal impact on your operations, freeing up valuable resources to deal with other important obligations.


Innovation in Action

Enova’s innovative solutions are field proven. To learn more about actual case histories
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News Flash

EnovaSB - Sand Bond

On February 6th, Enova executed the first EnovaSB insitu sand control treatment for a major operator in the San Joaquin Valley.  The application was operationally successful and well response is being closely monitored.